Audio files are compressed using 7-zip. Extract the files (.bnl), and copy to root directory of EMOTI Talking-Pen.
Each audio file corresponds to one title.
This set of books teaches about 600 frequently used Chinese characters in a fun and effective way. Each Chinese character comes with PinYin for pronunciation and English translation. It also comes with common phrases and sentences as examples. Each Chinese character is also accompanied with a specially designed picture that illustrates the meaning or usage of the Chinese character.
This set of books prepare your child for primary school Chinese. Help your child to take the lead now and lead the way through!
Special Feature:
Spelling PinYin, a unique feature that helps your kids to learn Chinese effectively.
Suitable for ages 2 - 8 years old.
汉字是幼儿阶段重要学习内容。本系列精心编排了600个基础汉字,配以相应的英文,常用的词语,句子和精美的插图, 非常适合用于幼儿的识字启蒙。
★ 大图画、大字体编排,有效吸引孩子注意力,激发孩子学习兴趣;
★ 同步点读,听、看、说全方位学习汉字,更好地锻炼孩子语言学习能力和表达能力;
★ 绘图清新干净,色彩明快亮丽,造型生动可爱,贴近幼儿审美情趣;
★ 从易到难,一字一句跟读、复读,即便没有老师和家长的指导,让孩子也能自主学汉字、读汉字。