Audio files are compressed using 7-zip. Extract the files (.bnl), and copy to root directory of EMOTI Talking-Pen.
Each audio file corresponds to one title.
ABC Dictionary for Young Learners is a specially designed bilingual book. It collects frequently used vocabularies from letters A to Z, with Chinese translations for both the words and usage examples in sentence. Every word comes with an audible picture, that helps children to understand the word in a meaningful way.
Special Features:
- Instant translation by tapping on the bilingual sentences.
- Suitable for age 3 - 7 years old.
儿童必备英文词典集单词、句型、插图和对话为一体,例举了常用单词和短语,标准的英语发音和中文翻译让孩子也能 自己学单词;每个单词都配有贴切的例句,帮助孩子理解单词的使用方法,更有效地记忆单词。单词下面色彩鲜艳的图画都配有丰富的场景会话,小朋友只需轻轻一点,就有读音标准的英语老师带领孩子一起学习英语。
- 无需大人帮助也能自己听、读、学英文单词和句型;
- 想听、学英文,只需用笔轻轻一点,想听几遍就听几遍;
- 通过视觉记忆、听觉记忆、形象记忆,快速掌握单词读音、解释及词形,突破常规背记单词的模式。
- 适合3-7岁的孩子。